Federal Boulevard Pocket Park

Click to access Federal-Blvd-Pocket-Park-Workshop-Notice-2-New-Date.pdf

**Please note the meeting day and location has changed.**


You are invited to join us at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, May 31th for a special meeting of the Colina del Sol Community Recreation Group to be held at the Azalea Recreation Center at 2596 Violet Street.  A zoom meeting link is also provided in the attached notice.


Action Item: General Development Plan for the Federal Boulevard Pocket Park


Project Scope: This is a community meeting to discuss the proposed recreational improvements in the excess right of way located south of Federal Boulevard between Home Avenue and the Sunshine Berardini Field along Chollas Creek within the Chollas Creek Watershed Regional Park. This project would be constructed using various grant funding sources administered by Groundwork San Diego.


Project Location: The Pocket Park would be located at the 3900 Block of Federal Boulevard (between Home Avenue and Sunshine Berardini Field).

Project Contacts for Questions:
City of San Diego: Shannon Scoggins, Landscape Architect sscoggins@sandiego.gov.
Groundwork San Diego: Kirstin Skadberg, Project Manager


Please share the attached notice as needed.



Shannon Scoggins (she/her)

Landscape Architect CA# 5005

Asset Management Section

City of San Diego

Parks and Recreation Department
